最近《消费者报告》更新了年度可靠度报告,其中比较有意思的是一直以来对特斯拉Model S偏爱有加的《消费者报告》由于Model S的问题太多而不再向消费者推荐该车型。他们甚至专门写了一篇文章解释了下具体原因,我翻译并总结了一下该文章,供大家分享。
《消费者报告》说Models S是他们测试过的性能最棒的车型,在超过50项测试内容的路试得分达到99分,而且这车还特别节能(能耗换算成油耗84mpg,也就是百公里油耗2.8L)。
但是Model S的可靠度就完全是另外一回事了。
2015年《消费者报告》收到了大约1400份Model S车主的问卷调查,根据复杂的数据分析他们将Model S的新车可靠度预测从去年的平均水平调整为了平均线以下,这也就意味着Model S将不再是《消费者报告》的推荐车型(推荐车型的可靠度至少要达到平均水平)。
Model S的主要问题集中在动力传动系统,电子设备,充电设备,那个巨大的中控,还有车身以及天窗的震动异响和漏水。而且2015款的空调,转向和悬挂系统比2014款还更差。随着车龄的增长,关于2013款的Drive System的投诉也越来越多。
不过好在Model S有4年5万英里的全车质保以及8年不限里程的动力传动系统质保,至少车主现在修车不用花一分钱。
震动和异响应该是被投诉最多的问题,但是也有人说那是由于特斯拉太安静了所以那些你在汽油车不会在意的震动和异响在Model S上就会显得特别让人不舒服。
问卷调查显示,特斯拉已经习惯了给车替换掉出故障的电机;Model S的刹车碟也比较容易弯曲;而那个酷炫的门把手也经常会在车主靠近时不主动升起。这个门把手简直就是特斯拉的标志,但是当门把手掉链子的时候车主甚至都没法开门所以特别囧。
Model S的其他问题还包括:雨刷不工作;电池冷却泵漏水;尾箱门的锁扣对不上;反复出现的四轮定位问题。
当车企在投放一些包含有新科技的车型时,比如新的交互系统,新变速箱和新发动机,一般来讲对可靠度都是会有负面影响。虽然特斯拉不是唯一一家做高性能高续航里程电动车的企业,但是它在每次生产线更新时都会加更复杂的东西上去,比如今年新推出的四驱版本,所以Model S的可靠性问题越来越多也就不让人觉得奇怪了。
虽然问题多多,但是数据显示Model S车主满意度依然是出奇的高:97%的车主表示让他们重新选的话依然还是会选特斯拉的。让特斯拉帮你换个电机,差速器,刹车或者交互系统那就不叫个事儿,对车主来说完全就是零负担。
对于Model S的最早一批支持者而言,特斯拉的在质保维修方面的厚道程度甚至超过了车主的预期。比如一位车主这样写道:就是差速齿出了点小问题,结果他们帮我把整套系统都换了,好腻害!还有一位这么写道:左前下控制臂除了点问题,通知他们后第二天就来更换了。
那么问题来了,现在一个Model S卖12万7,等2年后卖3万5的Model 3出来以后,特斯拉还不能保持住这个高科技和高水准服务。而且等Model S出保以后要开始花钱修车了费用对车主来说也会是一个问题。
一年卖两万辆酷炫但是问题连连的车给有钱人(至少有一辆备用车的有钱人)是一回事,但是按照特斯拉的2020计划一年卖20万辆Model 3出去,那些车主恐怕就没有那么好说话了哟。。。
接下来是Model S的一些常见问题,由于问题太五花八门,怕翻不准确,也嫌麻烦,就贴出来让大家自己看看吧。
Tesla Model S
This generation has one recall and seven service campaigns of note:
Vehicles produced prior to May 22, 2014 are subject to a service campaign to inspect/replace the rear wheel arch liners because of contact with a brake hose and/or contact with the parking brake caliper (14-12-004).
Models built before November 7, 2014 have a service campaign to inspect and possibly replace the 12-Volt positive jump post in order to prevent corrosion (15-17-004).
All Dual Motor (AWD) vehicles built between September 19, 2014 and February 20, 2015 are subject to a service campaign to inspect and possibly replace the acoustic absorbers due to manufacturing changes (15-45-001).
All Dual Motor (AWD) versions built between November 13, 2014 and March 2, 2015 are subject to a service campaign to inspect and possibly replace the motorized charging port door because it may not open (15-44-004).
2012-14 models have three campaigns of note: models may need new exterior mirrors because a white residue from corrosion could drip onto the door panels. Tesla will give a discount to customers who want to upgrade to power folding mirrors when there's corrosion (14-12-003); vehicles built before March 6, 2014 have a campaign to install an underbody shield to provide additional protection to the battery (14-30-002); and some vehicles are subject to a service campaign to replace the instrument cluster because of a manufacturing defect (14-21-004).
2012-14 models were recalled to replace the black NEMA 14-50 wall adapters due to possible excessive heating/overheating. Updated adapters have a white-gray color inside (14-50-002).
Service bulletins
2012-13 models produced prior to November 17, 2013 might need anti-squeak tape installed on a bracket for the panoramic roof because of a creaking noise (14-24-001), and some may need washers installed on the lower control arm ball joints due to a clicking or clunking sound when driving over bumps (13-31-003).
2013-14 vehicles built between November 1, 2013 and March 8, 2014 may need an updated "Rear Drive Unit" because of a clunking sound that occurs during accelerator pedal transitions or a humming noise heard during high speed driving, both caused by inadequate grease (14-40-001); and models built before December 1, 2013 might need to have washers installed to prevent the panoramic roof from rattling (14-24-002).
2014-15 S85 (RWD) or P85D (AWD) models built between September 23, 2014 and February 21, 2015 might need an updated "drive unit sensor" and bootloader software (not over the air updateable) in order to exceed the 125 or 130 mph (200 or 210 Km/h) maximum speed (15-40-001); and vehicles built between December 10, 2014 and April 24, 2015 might need to have the TPMS sensors retorqued/replaced due to the possibility of slow air leaks (15-34-001).
2012-15 models may be subject to a number of bulletins: some may need updated rear dust shields, second-generation front dust shields, and front and rear brake pads and rotors because the pads may seize or stick to the rotors in extremely cold or wet weather (15-33-001); some might need an updated door handle seal if the seals detach from the door handle and there are scratching or scraping noises in warm weather conditions (15-11-003); some might need updated lower shock absorber bolts if there is a knocking sound when driving over bumps (15-31-004); vehicles built before March 25, 2015 might need updated seals and foam strips for the front door fixed glass if there is a cold draft or wind noise (15-11-002); some cars may need a modified bracket if there's condensation on the lift gate applique lenses (15-12-001); and a shim may need to be installed on the steering rack if there is a clicking sound or notchy feel when turning the steering wheel (13-32-001).